the less you do, the more of it you can do [1:22]
Effectiveness : goal-oriented, doing the right thing [3:31]
Efficiency:process-oriented, doing things right [3:50]
Three-fold nature of work [3:55]
4 D's Do it, Drop It, Delegate It, Defer it [6:29]
Being busy is a form of laziness - lazy thinking and indiscriminate action - Timothy Ferriss [10:31
Identify Data Stream, sort by signal vs. noise [11:45]
Email: You teach people how to treat you [13:07]
Conserve your keystrokes 把資訊寫成一篇文章,不要寫在email [14:34]
Pomodoro: personal scrum, no multitasking [15:50]
homework [23:30]